
What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a traditional and holistic medicine system that is over 200 years old and which treats the whole person - that means that the mind, body and emotions are considered as interlinked and influencing each other.

Homeopathy has a powerful immune modulating effect which creates the right conditions for the body to restore and repair itself. It reduces the harmful effects of stress on the immune and endocrine systems, which means it has a broad scope of action. Homeopathy has a unique ability to balance emotional stress and move people out of stuck patterns that are not serving them well in life. It can reduce overwhelming shame, inadequacy, rage, jealousy or feelings of failure which are often at the root of issues like anxiety and depression.

My approach is to get to the core of the problem and addresses things at the root. By tending to the roots and creating good soil the ‘plant’ that is the body can flourish into a state of well-being all by itself. Homeopathy works by creating the right conditions for the body systems to integrate and thrive.

For links to scientific research into the properties of homeopathic remedies and clinical conditions see my next page Useful Links

Homeopathic medicines are made from a wide range of substances from the plant, animal and mineral kingdom. They are prepared in a very particular method in a laboratory, whereby the original substance is diluted many times to produce a medicine that has therapeutic effect but no side effects.  This high dilution method is why homeopathic medicine is very gentle and has no side effects. It is suitable for all ages and stages of life, from conception to old age. If you want to reduce toxic load into your body and use a natural product that supports your health then Homeopathy will suit you. Its fundamental principle is that the body can heal itself when given the correct remedy .

Homeopathic medicine does not cross react or interfere with any chronic medications you may already be taking, so you can use it at the same time as your current medications with confidence and peace of mind. Never change your prescribed medication dosage without consulting your medical practitioner.

What happens at a consultation?

When you come to see me it is a simple process of questions and answers in an office setting. All the details of your main complaint will be received, including medical, surgical and family history. I will ask a lot of questions in order to understand your pain and challenges in great detail, and to understand what your unique experience and difficulties are. Once I have the full picture I prescribe a homeopathic medicine that best matches your whole state, and you will follow up after 3-6 weeks with a report back of how the medicine has initiated changes for you, be they physical, mental or emotional shifts.

Disclaimer: All material presented on the Resonant Health website, Facebook page and Instagram is provided for education and information purposes only. The information provided and all offered services are not to be understood as medical diagnosis, nor as replacement for a consultation with a professional health care adviser. Visitors to this website or Facebook site are fully responsible for how they choose to utilise the content. It is your responsibility to seek medical help and diagnosis when appropriate. Always seek medical advice for serious injury or illness, and in emergencies. All remedy-related information provided by Resonant Health/ Angela Pierce-Jones is sourced from homeopathic pharmacopoeias and Materia Medicas as listed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Australia and is referenced worldwide.