

Immune Support

Get off the antibiotic treadmill. Homeopathy can boost the immune system and change the vicious cycle of depletion and stress on the gut from antibiotics and other medications. A well prescribed remedy can gently restore vitality and strength.

Stop the cycle of recurrent acute illnesses. Homeopathy can strengthen the immune system in order to stop acute illnesses from recurring.

Chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue can have several roots and I like to get to the root of why you are stuck in a pattern of depletion and inflammation. Homeopathy can get you back on track again by not only restoring energy but also helping with brain fog, heaviness, recurrent acute illnesses as well as low mood and anxiety that can set in with chronic fatigue.

PANDAS/PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcus). Homeopathy gently supports the restoration of balance on all levels by supporting the immune system and reducing the brain’s sensitivity and over-reaction to the microbe. Behavioural issues such as anger, rage and aggression consequently reduce and this can reduce the family stress that occurs when dealing with this intense and unusual situation.

Vaccine adverse events. Some people experience adverse effects after immunisation. Therapeutic interventions are not ‘one size fits all’ yet are applied across the board without adjustment for age , circumstance or underlying health status. I offer a safe space to explore your experience and support you to recover physical and emotional wellbeing.

Emotional Support

I am a trauma informed practitioner and certified grief educator. I have a passion for mental health and pride myself on my confidentiality and capacity to offer a safe and supportive space to explore the effects of stressful events on your psyche and health. I love the gentle yet powerful way homeopathy can break patterns of grief, shame, terror or guilt, restore a sense of self and improve ones capacity to remain embodied during times of stress.

Spiritual support

Over the years I have attracted healers and people on the path of transformational growth to my practice. It has been reflected back to me that I have a good capacity to listen, to see a bigger picture, make meaningful connections and distill the heart of the matter in the moment. Homeopathy offers gentle vibrational medicines that can support the inner impulse to growth and greater awareness and compassion. Remedies can help shift energetic patterns that feel stuck, or that may be linked to previous incarnations or ancestral trauma. This is the time for expanded awareness and movement towards Love, and I am here to support you on your journey to wellbeing, freedom and peacefulness.

“I found Angela the most delightful knowledgeable caring and sympathetic person. She listened to my story and treated me accordingly. I had great success with her and would highly recommend her” B.J

“Angela is very responsive, highly intuitive, extremely knowledgeable, very down-to-earth.”K.D

“I found seeing Angela and trialling homeopathy extremely helpful for my son for teething. He went from waking up 6-8 times a night to just 1-3 times which has been a lifesaver for our sleep! Angela is very receptive, professional and a great practitioner who is intuitive to her clients. I would highly recommend Angela and homeopathy in general after experiencing the benefits first hand. And best of all it is low risk without any side effects” S.C

“Angela is wonderful practitioner - her depth of listening and breadth of homeopathic knowledge is amazing. I've recommend my family and my patients to her over the years with great success. Homeopathy can take time and you couldn't choose a better partner than Angela.” N.M



First consult (90 min) $160 Follow ups (45 min) $100

Consultation fee excludes the remedies (homeopathic medicine) which will be an additional cost of $10 -$40 on average.

International Consults online:

First Consult (90 min) USD 150 Follow ups (45 min) USD 100 Conducted via Zoom. Invoiced via PayPal. Instructions provided for purchase of remedies from a local supplier in your country.

Disclaimer: All material presented on the Resonant Health website, Facebook page and Instagram is provided for education and information purposes only. The information provided and all offered services are not to be understood as medical diagnosis, nor as replacement for a consultation with a professional health care adviser. Visitors to this website or Facebook site are fully responsible for how they choose to utilise the content. It is your responsibility to seek medical help and diagnosis when appropriate. Always seek medical advice for serious injury or illness, and in emergencies. All remedy-related information provided by Resonant Health/ Angela Pierce-Jones is sourced from homeopathic pharmacopoeias and Materia Medicas as listed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Australia and is referenced worldwide.